Good old’ Peer Pressure. Drugs, Premarital Sex, Drinking and Driving, Bullying. What our kids do outside the home may never be discovered.
So it’s a wise choice to help your child become a powerful leader. We should want them to be leaders of their friends and NOT followers. But, this won’t happen by chance.
They have to train for it.
When your child commits to his black belt, here are the 7 ways that they will become Powerful leaders.
1) They are given the opportunity to step in front of class. When kids are put in front of class to demonstrate a skill or teach a technique, they not only learn that you have confidence in them, but they learn to have confidence in themselves.
2) Develop their voice. Kids sometimes need help learning to be assertive and sticking up for what they believe is the right thing to do. In our Leadership classes, kids learn to express their ideas and suggestions and why their thinking benefits everyone.
3) Allowed to teach a Life Skill Lessons, bow the classes in & out. This is a place of privilege since parents as well as students are listening in on these conversations. When a child is allowed to take the lead, she can be seen as a leader and mentor to others.
4) We help them stand tall. Leaders stand with their heads up, shoulders back, and their eyes on the person to whom they’re talking. When it comes to stance, small changes can make a big difference in the way a person is perceived.
5) They are involved. Leadership kids help organize events, work at birthday parties, and assist in younger kids’ classes. Through experience, they develop confidence and character.
6) Model positive leadership. Kids committed to getting their Black Belt learn that Leaders find the good in others, help out, command attention, show confidence, and have strength of character.
7) Stay committed to their goals and never give up. Kids committed to their Black Belt know that quitting is not an option. Black Belt is a long term goal. Kids understand that if they want to accomplish anything in life, it takes small steps. Like 13 belt graduations to Black Belt. Long term thinkers are the ones who run million dollar companies, stay committed to their marriages and are willing to fix the things in themselves to become better people.
Help your child make a commitment to Black Belt.
Success Always.
U.S. Elite Martial Arts & Fitness Center
See your instructor for more information about participating in our Leadership program.